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Ear mites can be treated in an off-label fashion with various parasiticides including ivermectin (Ivomec, Merck, AgVet Division, Rahway, NJ), 0.4 mg/kg SC q7-14d for three treatments), or selamectin (Revolution, Pfizer Animal Health, New York, NY), 6 or 18 mg/kg topically q4wk for 1-2 treatments) (see “Fleas,” below).† Imidacloprid and moxidectin (Advocate/Advantage Multi, Bayer, Agriculture Division, Shawnee Mission, KS) are also effective for ear mites when applied topically three times 30 days apart.18 Subcutaneous eprinomectin (200-300 μg/kg once) can be used for Psoroptes, but this treatment is not effective topically.Less effective treatments are topical mineral oil, acaricides, and flea powder.27,41 [3]
Ear mites can be treated in an off-label fashion with various parasiticides including ivermectin (Ivomec, Merck, AgVet Division, Rahway, NJ), 0.4 mg/kg SC q7-14d for three treatments), or selamectin (Revolution, Pfizer Animal Health, New York, NY), 6 or 18 mg/kg topically q4wk for 1-2 treatments) (see “Fleas,” below).† Imidacloprid and moxidectin (Advocate/Advantage Multi, Bayer, Agriculture Division, Shawnee Mission, KS) are also effective for ear mites when applied topically three times 30 days apart.18 Subcutaneous eprinomectin (200-300 μg/kg once) can be used for Psoroptes, but this treatment is not effective topically.Less effective treatments are topical mineral oil, acaricides, and flea powder.27,41 [3]

Latest revision as of 11:07, 12 July 2024

Ear Mite Psoroptes cuniculi (Rabbit Ear Mite)

Ear Mite in Rabbit

Etiology[edit | edit source]

Psoroptes cuniculi is a nonburrowing mite and the causative agent of psoroptic mange, also called ear mange, ear canker, or otoacariasis.[1]

Clinical Signs[edit | edit source]

canker and lesions of the ear

Epizootiology[edit | edit source]

life cycle

Treatment, Prevention, and Control[edit | edit source]

Oil or ivermectin by themselves are not always effective for treating mites, but are very effective when used together in tandem. Oil suffocates the mites, softens the scabs and soothes the skin. clearing out the dense waxy scabby material allows for further penetration of ivermectin to more effectively treat the infestation.

Several successful treatments have been reported. Prior to local treatment, the ears should be cleaned gently to remove accumulated exudate. One treatment involves the application of 3% rotenone in mineral oil (1:3) every 5 days for 30 days. Ivermectin is an effective treatment at dosages of 400–440 μg/kg SC or IM (Curtis et al., 1990; McKellar et al., 1992; Wright and Riner, 1985). [2]

Ear mites can be treated in an off-label fashion with various parasiticides including ivermectin (Ivomec, Merck, AgVet Division, Rahway, NJ), 0.4 mg/kg SC q7-14d for three treatments), or selamectin (Revolution, Pfizer Animal Health, New York, NY), 6 or 18 mg/kg topically q4wk for 1-2 treatments) (see “Fleas,” below).† Imidacloprid and moxidectin (Advocate/Advantage Multi, Bayer, Agriculture Division, Shawnee Mission, KS) are also effective for ear mites when applied topically three times 30 days apart.18 Subcutaneous eprinomectin (200-300 μg/kg once) can be used for Psoroptes, but this treatment is not effective topically.Less effective treatments are topical mineral oil, acaricides, and flea powder.27,41 [3]


Ivermectin dosage and uses[edit | edit source]

  • max dose up to 0.4mk/kg*
  • Avoid using on Pregnant does, and do not breed for at least 7 days after dosing as ivermectin will effect conception and implantation.
  • SC dose may also be given topically**

0.1-0.2 mg/kg SC(injected), repeat in 14 days Ear mites, James Carpenter: exotic animal formulary 4th edition

  • Ivermectin Dosage(injectable formula) Topically or Orally

up to 0.4mk/kg "The 1% is 10mg/ml. undiluted, it would be 0.072 ml. Dilute it 1/10 to make it 1mg/ ml, so then a dose volume of 0.72 ml which is much easier and safer to draw up and dispense." Diluted with propylene glycol can also be given orally From Dr. D: Exotic Veterinarian

  • For the pour on (3%) (Topical use ONLY)

Dilute 1/5 and the dose would be the same. Again 1mg/ ml. Dilution" dose stays the same 0.4mg/kg

To treat ear mites[edit | edit source]


  • First Soften the canker with Mineral Oil, Sweet Oil, or Olive oil.
  • Allow the oil to soften and detach the bulk of the crust.
    • Never pull or scrape out the crust, always allow it to work out on it's own with gentile massaging and patting using almost no pressure.
  • loose crusts will attach to a cotton ball as they come loose.
  • Once the ear is clear of crusts, give a gentile wipe with cotton balls and q tips to remove excess oil.
  • After removing excessive oil, use 3 drops of 1% ivermectin swine/cattle injectable Ivermectin solution, administered Topically into the ear.
    • Place in 3 drops then seal with a cotton ball to prevent it from flying out .
    • repeat in the other ear.
  • You can then drop .5 cc diluted ivermectin topically on the back of the neck.

( dilute 3% ivermectin as 5 drops, in 1 cc alcohol for topical behind the neck dosage for furmite, or you can alternatively dilute 5 drops per .5cc mineral oil mix well and apply to the earmite, a larger amount of fluid will penetrate deeper)

Old Wives Tales and DANGERIOUS Home remedies =[edit | edit source]

WD-40:[edit | edit source]

  • "squirt WD-40 in the ears"

First off it will burn as it's an irritant and secondly it is poisonous.

That main ingrdiant of WD-40 is White spirit (stoddard solvent) :

 In rabbits loss of appetite and hypoactivity followed a single dermal exposure of 2000-3000 mg/kg, and death occurred in 1 out of 16 exposed animals. In skin irritation tests white spirit was determined to be a slight to moderate 
irritant. In short- and long-term toxicity studies on white spirit, the central nervous system (CNS), respiratory system, liver and kidney were generally found to be the target of white spirit toxicity. 

HERO ID: 2800949 Technical Report : White spirit (stoddard solvent) Year:1996 Report Number:RISKLINE/1997060007 Volume:187 Issue:1996

apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil[edit | edit source]

  • "every few days for a coupes weeks. The vinegar helped the crusty stuff to de-fuse and easier to fall out and the oil helped drown out the mites. We used syringes and just squirt it in their ears."

This will BURN raw infected and damaged skin. and it will not kill mites , ACV has some great uses in rabbits, this is not one of them .

Tea Tree Oil(Melaleuca oil)[edit | edit source]

while this works , the dosing for rabbits is extremely precise and it must be diluted correctly in a proper carrier oil or you will risk poisoning your rabbit. Tea tree oil is highly toxic to rabbits, and it takes only a small amount of this substance to induce toxicosis. all oil bases are different so you need to know the the potency of the oil before you can dilute it. Vets do not recommend using tea tree oil solutions to kill ear mites. Essential oils can be absorbed through the skin and introduced into the bloodstream. Even if the rabbit doesn’t lick up the oil while grooming itself, it can still absorb a lethal amount through its skin.

Tea tree oil cleaning solutions may be used to wash down the hutch, enclosure, and toys to prevent reinfection. Diluted home remedies and commercial antifungal cleaning products are safe to use for any initial cleans if the rabbit is kept elsewhere for a few days.

Symptoms of Essential Oil Toxicity In the event that you use essential oils in some form on your rabbit, or even just in your home, it is vital to know the symptoms of essential oil toxicity. Signs include:

  • Tremors
  • Excessive salivation or drooling
  • Depression
  • Lethargy
  • Ataxia (a lack of control and coordination of the body)
  • Paresis (weakness of the muscles and partial paralysis)
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Coma

The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association stated that clinical signs of toxicity develop within a 2-12 hour window of exposure to or ingestion of tea tree oil. They also note that 100% of the tea tree oil poisoning cases in this study had some level of toxicity.

Concentrated tea tree oil toxicosis in dogs and cats: 443 cases (2002–2012) Safdar A. Khan DVM, PhD, Mary Kay McLeanMS, and Margaret R. Slater DVM, PhD View More DOI: https://doi.org/10.2460/javma.244.1.95 Volume/Issue: Volume 244: Issue 1 Online Publication Date: 01 Jan 2014 https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/244/1/javma.244.1.95.xml

Safety Assessment of Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree)-Derived Ingredients as Used in Cosmetics https://www.cir-safety.org/sites/default/files/Tea%20Tree_0.pdf

Safety Data Sheet acc. to OSHA HCS (29CFR 1910.1200) and WHMIS 2015 Regulations https://www.nowfoods.com/sites/default/files/7470-tea-tree-organic-oil.pdf

R I S K P R O F I L E Tea tree oil – TTO C A S N o . 8 5 0 8 5 - 4 8 - 9 , 6 8 6 4 7 - 7 3 - 4 , a n d 8 0 2 2 - 7 2 - 8 Date of reporting 10.08.2012 https://www.mattilsynet.no/kosmetikk/stoffer_i_kosmetikk/risk_profile_template_tto.11320/binary/Risk%20Profile%20Template%20TTO

https://www.drugfuture.com/chemdata/Tea-Tree-Oil.html "Toxicity data: LD50 orally in rats: 1.9-2.6 ml/kg; dermally in rabbits: 5.0 g/kg (Halcón)"

Eucalyptus Oil[edit | edit source]

  • "I always thought this was caused from getting water in their ears. We used to use eucalyptus oil. They would scream like hell for a few seconds but it would clear it up."
  • "I like to drop Eucalyptus oil directly in the ear. oh yeah , they SCREAM a bit at first.. then it clears it right up."

Eucalyptus oil is Poisonous to rabbits, it will also BURN the raw skin that has been irritated by the mites. Evaluation the Effects of Eucalyptus Essential Oil and Hypertonic Saline as Scolicidal Agents in Induction of Sclerosing Cholangitis in Rabbits

Hydrogen Peroxide[edit | edit source]

  • "Peroxide in ears everyday until clear always works for me"
  • "Peroxide works too"
  • "Ear mites .Hydrogen Peroxide poured in infected ears"

This will BURN, the sudden shock from the pain has killed a few rabbits, it is unnessicarry and cruel.

referances[edit | edit source]