Meet us

From Bun Club Wiki
Revision as of 14:28, 6 July 2024 by (talk) (Created page with "Stephanie Hughes is a 30 yr experienced rabbit expert . Retired ARBA judge , and 20 yrs working as a Sr Exotic vet tech , current working on her doctorate with a focus on specifically Lagomophs behavior and nutrition. She has participated in behavior and preference studies specifically for rabbits , and part of her assistance helped form the updated Animal Welfare act for rabbits .")
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Stephanie Hughes is a 30 yr experienced rabbit expert . Retired ARBA judge , and 20 yrs working as a Sr Exotic vet tech , current working on her doctorate with a focus on specifically Lagomophs behavior and nutrition. She has participated in behavior and preference studies specifically for rabbits , and part of her assistance helped form the updated Animal Welfare act for rabbits .