Fiber ratio

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Revision as of 16:14, 12 August 2023 by (talk) (Created page with "FIBER NOTES What normally happens with pet owners and layman is they break the numbers apart as though dealing with two separate items protein and Fiber . By looking at Fiber and Protein or nutrients in general as individual items they ignore ratios and how different nutrients need to work in tandem to nourish a body . Note : All percentages are based on DM% not DE% in this article. When looking at studies and journals, reading a lower protein is best but ig...")
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What normally happens with pet owners and layman is they break the numbers apart as though dealing with two separate items protein and Fiber . By looking at Fiber and Protein or nutrients in general as individual items they ignore ratios and how different nutrients need to work in tandem to nourish a body . Note : All percentages are based on DM% not DE% in this article.

When looking at studies and journals,  reading  a  lower protein is best but ignoring the full context of the paper , it can be noted that the lowest possible protein  feed that a rabbit can survive on is at 12-14%.  But then separately reading high fiber is good, but  again going to the extreme readers  start seeking the highest fiber they can get for a rabbit by using a  max fiber 30%. Because of this, bloggers will promote the feeding of timothy because it fits that profile , 12% protein(in theory), 30% fiber, but its so horribly  Unbalanced. 

European rabbits and by extension all domestic rabbits need high fiber. Bloggers and by Extension limitly educated Vets frequently parrot "high fiber" diets , but not discuss the correct application of what the upper and lower limits are for a Fiber to Protein Ratio in Rabbit feed.

It is correct that the percentage in dietary fiber should be higher than protein in rabbit feed. But when that is Parroted it gets miss-explained . Thats why I always include the percentage caps to illustrate the ratio in balance .

Fiber should be at a minimum 15% of your feed if you are feeding the min protein at 12%, and Fiber should be maximum 25%, if your feeding a 18-20% protein Diet.

But it needs to be noted a 12% DM protein diet fed to a rabbit is the absolute lowest protein they can have and surrive , this lower limit is enough to support life but will slowly starve a rabbit.

Ideally a rabbit base diet before fine tuning is best fed at around 22% max fiber , with a 16% protein maintenance diet. This works for most bucks, and dry does. Fiber should be approx 5-8% higher than the DM protein . So higher in fiber yes , but not excessively so. In The Wild European rabbits prefer bramble, bramble has a fiber if 32%, but it also has an average protein on 28%, so ratio is the same.

So the real question is at what percentage do House Rabbit Owner and Many new Vets who parrot high fiber , actually consider high fiber to be ? Are they taking into consideration what the protein levels should be to balance the fiber level? Are they understanding the balance and how those two items interact in a rabbit gut?

Fiber acts on a rabbit digestive tract by scrubbing the gut . This is good when its scrubbing at a rate that is not pushing nutrient through quicker than a rabbit can absorb them. Too much fiber, in excess of 25% rushes digestion to the point that DM cant be converted to DE which is why balance is needed [2] .

References : [1] de Blas, Carlos & Wiseman, Julian. (2010). Nutrition of the rabbit: 2nd edition.

[2] Lebas & T. Gidenne «Recent research advances in rabbit nutrition» page 4