Selecting a Reputable Breeder

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Revision as of 21:38, 27 January 2022 by (talk) (Created page with "What makes a reputable breeder: 1. breeds for a purpose such as meat, hide, show not to flood the pet Market. 2. Culls animals rather than prolonging suffering 3. Checks nest boxes 4. Culls genetic disorders 5. Does crosses for breed improvement a new breed development or meat 6. Does not sell crosses as purebred. 7. Is honest to the best of their knowledge on pedigrees 8. Caging meets minimum arba standards and is made of the correct type and gauge of wire. 9...")
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What makes a reputable breeder:

1. breeds for a purpose such as meat, hide, show not to flood the pet Market.

2. Culls animals rather than prolonging suffering

3. Checks nest boxes

4. Culls genetic disorders

5. Does crosses for breed improvement a new breed development or meat

6. Does not sell crosses as purebred.

7. Is honest to the best of their knowledge on pedigrees

8. Caging meets minimum arba standards and is made of the correct type and gauge of wire.

9. Does not allow rabbits to sit in their own feces and ammonia.

10. Maintains biosecurity.

11. Does not knowingly sell sick animals and when issues are found soon after pick up if it's not related to owner error will refund and cull if necessary.

12. Does not force bonding

13. Does not do unnecessary medical procedures.

14. Provides hay bedding when cold but often does not maintain a steady supply of loose hay as it presents a risk of bacteria build up and things can come in on hay.

15. May be working to get a breed or color accepted so may have non showable varieties.

16. Feeds a complete feed.

17. Provides cooling and resting mats as needed.

18. Provides medical care.

19. Does not knowingly breed issues such as split peni or malocclusion.

20. Vent check before breeding

21. Charge based on quality and genetics not color.

22. Shares basic care tips with buyers who are new to rabbits, like transition feed.

23. Quarantine's new animals.

24. Breeds animals on a sustainable and responsible schedule. For the animals health.

25. Tend to have multiple litters at the same time so they have fosters.

26. Does not keep buck with does in colony setting.

27. Does not have them running on slick floors or loose with wires exposed.

28. Some breeders may not allow on the ground due to high risk of disease transmission such as rhdv and coccidia, cuni culi and so on.

29. Takes measures to prevent wool block in wooly breeds.

30. Monitors weight to avoid health issues reproductively and with their feet

31. When asked a breeder at minimum should be able to show, teeth, nose, vent, feet, eyes and ears for inspection