CC5R Undefined(8) (B)

MMC Rabbits
Phone: 404 624 6606
American Harlequin Rabbit Club

Current details as of 3/10/2025
Breed: New Zealand Composite
DOB: 5/27/2024
COI: 00.000%
Age: 9 months 1 week 4 days
Kingsbury's Harry SNP1 (B)Kingsbury's Pissball pete DJ2 (B)Kingsbury's Duke E5 (B)
Registration: E5
Breed: satin
Color: Red
DOB: 8/9/2017
COI: 00.000%
Age: 7 years 7 months
Registration: DJ2
Breed: satin
Color: Red
DOB: 4/21/2019
COI: 00.000%
Age: 5 years 10 months 2 weeks
Kingsbury's Joy (D)
Registration: JOY
Breed: satin
Color: Red
DOB: 9/17/2018
COI: 00.000%
Age: 6 years 5 months 3 weeks
Registration: SNP1
COI: 12.500%
Age: Unknown
Kingsbury's Lucy PD30 (D)Kingsbury's Duke E5 (B)
Registration: E5
Breed: satin
Color: Red
DOB: 8/9/2017
COI: 00.000%
Age: 7 years 7 months
Registration: PD30
Breed: satin
Color: Red
DOB: 2/14/2020
COI: 00.000%
Age: 5 years 3 weeks
Kingsbury's Poisy RJ3 (D)
Registration: RJ3
Breed: satin
Color: Red
DOB: 3/17/2018
COI: 00.000%
Age: 6 years 11 months 3 weeks
MMC Rabbits CMAQ1 CC (D)Helios M2 (B)
Registration: M2
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Red
DOB: 5/1/2021 (approximate)
COI: 00.000%
Age: Deceased
Registration: CMAQ1
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Chestnut
DOB: 10/10/2023
Breeder: mary-margaret conley
COI: 00.000%
Age: 1 year 5 months
Sakura's Mia (D)Kiddin Around Big Man (B)
Callname: Big Man
Registration: CN14
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Broken Black
DOB: 3/19/2020
COI: 00.000%
Age: 4 years 11 months 2 weeks
Weight: 10 lb 2 oz ( 4/21/2022 )
Callname: Mis
Registration: SKRMIA
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Broken Chestnut
DOB: 12/10/2021
Breeder: Cassidy Martin
Owner: mary-margaret conley
COI: 00.000%
Color type: AaB-C-D-ee
Age: 3 years 3 months
Schmidt's Telico (D)
Callname: Telico
Registration: R1265D
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Red
DOB: 11/10/2019
COI: 00.000%
Age: 5 years 4 months
Weight: 9 lb 14 oz ( 5/11/2022 )


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