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Well as my Völva would tell me . First step is taking responsibility in the death. Cry ,scream ,Keen ,mourn , get it all out , I do any time we have a loss in the barn, I take some responsibility, even if it was 100% not my fault and in no way preventable assume it may of been or examine the death to make sure no others are at risk.. It doesn't mean I'm not going to look for ways it could of been prevented.

And the rest of you , don't get on me for "being mean" I looked at her profile first she propots to be a tarot healing witch of the north gods , she can take the honest advice from her crons, I'm not gonna sugar coat it , you want to put yourself out their as honoring the old ways and gods you need to fully embrace what that entails.

Learn from this and do not repeat your actions so It didn't just die .

You killed it because you fed it salads . It should of been left on pellets only. They can't have salads , even as treats until after 6 months old.

Veggies and hay STARVE rabbits to death. So that was your fault, you can start coping by taking responsibility that you followed poor practices , killed your pet and NEVER do that to a rabbit again.

Future pets need to be feed a COMPLETE pellet diet .

Their is much reasoning for this , and many many studies to back this up. Your also best cutting it open and verifying cause if death . Look at the liver if white spots, the hay and any fresh items from your yard gave it cocidia. If sudden bloat, mucus, or running diarrhea it was weaning entinitus caused by salads because they have to much sugar and carbs . If it lacked a decent fat padding like no fat around the kidneys it starved due to lack of nutrients. If the heart is black it had a heartattack. Lungs look like cottage cheese, pasterella. Bright red lungs, pneumonia or tumerlia. Pitted kidney EC from the hay or fresh items .

This is why the earliest I will sell mine to anyone is 12 weeks .Even at 3 months they are still extremely fragile. Which again goes back to why they should be fed only pelllets and very select supportive addons . For transitioning a good probiodic powder in the pellets . Wetted down slightly with red cell to keep dust down. And electrolytes in the water changed fresh at least daily. Dandelion fed in moderation is actually a very safe plant but it also need rinsed and carfully wild crafted to avoid bringing in coccidia . I just choose never to feed fresh because it completely removes the vector .

Every death is a gift, honor its passing but learn from your mistakes .