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##### typical house rabbit infographic ### and debunking  
##### typical house rabbit infographic ### and debunking  

First ingredient  shoukd be Alflfa,  DM protien should be a 16% MINIMUM .  They require a DE 14%protien to maintain body condition. A DM of 16% give a DE of 14% . The graphic artist who made that needs to understand  how to read the research before  posting nonsense .  Just like Fiber should MAX at 22% if the feed is at 17% protien . A good feed should have a fiber content no higher then 5% more the. The DM protien content . Fiber in excess if 25% will starve a rabbit to death. Fat should sit between 2.5% and 3.5% for optinal coat  . Rabbit NEED higher calcium . Lo calcium is actually  detrimental  to bone development and rabbit health .. sludge is not caused by calcium it is caused by poor breeding , rabbit with pinched narrow and malformed hips get sludge because they can not evacuate their urethra .
First ingredient  should be Alfalfa,  DM protein should be a 16% MINIMUM .  They require a DE 14%protien to maintain body condition. A DM of 16% give a DE of 14% . The graphic artist who made that needs to understand  how to read the research before  posting nonsense .  Just like Fiber should MAX at 22% if the feed is at 17% protein . A good feed should have a fiber content no higher then 5% more the. The DM protein content . Fiber in excess if 25% will starve a rabbit to death. Fat should sit between 2.5% and 3.5% for optimal coat  . Rabbit NEED higher calcium . Lo calcium is actually  detrimental  to bone development and rabbit health .. sludge is not caused by calcium it is caused by poor breeding , rabbit with pinched narrow and malformed hips get sludge because they can not evacuate their urethra .

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"There is a vast difference in the nutritional value of hay, depending on the type of hay, the quality of forage prior to preparation and the type of and manner of the curing process of hay." Dr. T.E.Reed, Rabbit Specialist
"There is a vast difference in the nutritional value of hay, depending on the type of hay, the quality of forage prior to preparation and the type of and manner of the curing process of hay." Dr. T.E.Reed, Rabbit Specialist

Their are also many arguments against feeding loose hay at all.  Rabbits do best on a balance complete pellet , fed in measured amounts.  Hay can actually  be detrimental  to tooth health causing peridontal disease,  tooth abcesses, and mechanical  maloculsion due to the hard nature of cheap stemmy timothy commonly fed .  
Their are also many arguments against feeding loose hay at all.  Rabbits do best on a balance complete pellet , fed in measured amounts.  Hay can actually  be detrimental  to tooth health causing periodontal disease,  tooth abcesses, and mechanical  malocclusion due to the hard nature of cheap stemmy timothy commonly fed .  

Hay is also void in nutrients,  feeding an 80% loose  hay diet to a rabbit is actuallly starving them slowly , rabbits fed this way tend to be in poor condition , constantly shedding with brittle hair and  dull sickly coats. Too much fiber pushes  what little protien they have too quickly.through the body and they are unable to develope proper muscle .  It weakens the bones and puts them at higher risk for breaks , it weakens immunity  and makes then more succeptable to disease . It also introduced disease and parasite vectors  , and has brought RHdV and EC i to rabbit households
Hay is also void in nutrients,  feeding an 80% loose  hay diet to a rabbit is actually starving them slowly , rabbits fed this way tend to be in poor condition , constantly shedding with brittle hair and  dull sickly coats. Too much fiber pushes  what little protein they have too quickly.through the body and they are unable to develop proper muscle .  It weakens the bones and puts them at higher risk for breaks , it weakens immunity  and makes then more susceptible to disease . It also introduced disease and parasite vectors  , and has brought RHdV and EC i to rabbit households

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The only benefit of spay/neuter in rabbits is population reduction. That is easily managed by keeping rabbits separate from each other.  
The only benefit of spay/neuter in rabbits is population reduction. That is easily managed by keeping rabbits separate from each other.  

Although Spaying or Neutering removes the risk of ovarian,  uterine, and Testicular Cancers by removing the body part. It can Cause  mammary cancers in Male rabbits by unbalancing the hormones. Male rabbits after a neuter can start producing too much estrogen which can lead to them developing Breast cancers. In female Rabbits it is starting to be researched on the effect of Endocrine and Adreanal diseases  caused by removing the overies. Female rabbits often become over aggressive  due to the increase in Testosterones after a spay.  The prevalence of ALL cancer in rabbits  isnt 80% its 14 to 12%.  
Although Spaying or Neutering removes the risk of ovarian,  uterine, and Testicular Cancers by removing the body part. It can Cause  mammary cancers in Male rabbits by unbalancing the hormones. Male rabbits after a neuter can start producing too much estrogen which can lead to them developing Breast cancers. In female Rabbits it is starting to be researched on the effect of Endocrine and Adrenal diseases  caused by removing the ovaries. Female rabbits often become over aggressive  due to the increase in Testosterones after a spay.  The prevalence of ALL cancer in rabbits  isn't 80% its 14 to 12%.  

[[need link]]
[[need link]]
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" we do this by offering fresh hay a couple of times a day." even in 1996  it's completely contradictory paragraph by paragraph on their own site.
" we do this by offering fresh hay a couple of times a day." even in 1996  it's completely contradictory paragraph by paragraph on their own site.

"A cage should be at least 4 times the size of your bunny-" so . if a new Zealand takes up.. approx. 1 sqft of spaces... a 4 sqfoot area is acceptable  that's their own website.
"A cage should be at least 4 times the size of your bunny-" so . if a new Zealand takes up.. approx. 1 sqft of spaces... a 4 sq foot area is acceptable  that's their own website.

Paige K Parsons  ... an photographer and graphic artist Was education director and web developer from 1997 to 2004 then stepped down.
Paige K Parsons  ... an photographer and graphic artist Was education director and web developer from 1997 to 2004 then stepped down.

Latest revision as of 16:04, 14 May 2024

HRS is a organization that masquerades as an authority...but in reality is just a front for extremist vegan ideology. literally...a rabbit hole

History[edit | edit source]

In the 1990s, animal rights folks and early house rabbit society people would go to rabbit shows Observe Judges and exhibitors holding rabbits in their laps and the Activists claimed they were "tranced". These folks found a predator response study on tonic immobility from the 70s and ran with it, using this old, small sample, poor studies as "proof". As HRS grew in the late 90s, the house rabbit society began targeting veterinarians still in college. They would offer assistance or positions as the staff vet for their rescues. This caused 2 whole decades of newly graduated rabbit vets to beholden to house rabbit society for their assistance getting their careers started. In this way, House Rabbit Society was able to spread their misinformation and point at the vets on their payroll as the "experts" *even though those veterinarians are steeped in animal rights propaganda and house rabbit society misinformation.

Over the years this misinformation was repeated and repeated until it stuck as common knowledge but had had few facts to support it. Always check the ethics and schooling of veterinarians, rescues, and any article's small print to check for house rabbit society connections, or influence because House Rabbit Society does not base there information on sound science, or meta-analysis. HRS has not presented meta-analysis to back up claims or often no research is available. Lots of studies HRS bases there articles and propaganda on were retracted for Abusive or poor methodology, the sample size being too small to base conclusions on . Due to this no abstract or papers HRS links to are available because they were removed from academia .

Debunked Items Promoted as Facts[edit | edit source]

80% of what rescue and house rabbit society recommends is WRONG and has no basis in science , its continues to be followed due to stubbornness and does NOT have the rabbits best interests in mind . Even NOW they are quietly holding back true info even though they KNOW too much salad kills. Pellets AREN'T evil (multiple rabbit nutrition guides, gut biome studies), rolling a rabbit correctly is a safe handling technique (2020,2021), bonding is dangerous in most situations ( multiple, studies from 1950-2019) .spay and neuter is extremely high risk post op, is not effective for behavior control, or cancer preventing ( current 2020 study) , and the weight charts are Wrong (you can't lump all breeds together ).

Water Bottle vs Bowls[edit | edit source]

Their is no difference between a bowl or a bottle as long as the rabbit is hydrated and has access to a clean water source at all times.

The debunked M. Clauss study tried to prove their was a significance difference between bowls and bottles. Since many rabbity's use bottle waterers. the truth in the matter is their is no difference between delivery of water as long as fresh clean water is available bowls, bottles, or gravity systems are all acceptable.

Preference of rabbits for drinking from open dishes versus nipple drinkers Tschudin, A; Clauss, M; Codron, D; Hatt, J-M.The Veterinary Record; London Vol. 168, Iss. 7, (Feb 19, 2011): 190. This study was widely discredited, and removed from ResearchGate, and PubMed , becuse the sample size was 12 dwarf rabbits total. Not large enough sample to gather any conclusive evidence. the Study also failed to take into account evaporation of the water from a open bowl to account for lower volume as compared to a bottle.

Tonic immobility[edit | edit source]

Tonic immobility Aka "Trancing" in rabbits is pretty much stated as fact , but finding any studies that actually prove flipping them over induces that state are hard to come by. it is generally understood as meaning the animal has to be physically incapable of movement, but obviously in real life, rabbits are able to flip themselves back over. that said , the study this was taken from was a single study done in the 70's where 12 rabbits were studied by being put into induced "tonic immobility" ie "trancing". by being SLAMMED into trays on there backs. The process of flipping a rabbit onto it's back .. did not cause it to be tranced.. the action of SLAMMING IT VIOLENTLY into a hard surface and forcibly restraining it buy grabbing it neck did.. knocking the wind out of it and stunning it.. yet THAT is the study that is parroted by HRS.

updated study:

Effect of tonic immobility induction on selected physiological parameters in Oryctolagus cuniculus f. Domesticus rabbits January 2021 Medycyna Weterynaryjna 77(06):295-299 DOI:10.21521/mw.6541


" Tonic immobility (TI) is a phenomenon known as thanatosis or apparent death. The phenomenon can be induced in many ways. It occurs, for example, in the presence of a hazard, as a result of coercion through an unnatural body position or as a result of administration of certain medicines. TI is sometimes used in veterinary practice to tame patients. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of tonic immobility induction on selected physiological parameters in Oryctolagus cuniculus f. Domesticus rabbits. The study included 20 healthy rabbits, patients of a veterinary clinic, divided into two groups of 10 individuals. In the study group, TI was induced to conduct a standard clinical trial, while the control group were subjected to a standard clinical trial without TI. Heart rate, respiratory rate, pupil diameter and blood glucose concentration were measured in all animals. The measurements were performed three times: after the patient’s arrival at the clinic, after a detailed clinical examination in a normal or tonic immobility position and 15 minutes after the end of the examination. Additionally, the blood cortisol concentration was measured twice: on arrival at the clinic and at the end of the clinical trial. The results of the experiment show that miniature rabbits feel less stress during tonic immobility testing than rabbits in the standing position, and therefore this phenomenon should be used for taming animals. "

Review of the paper by The Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund May 15 2021 facebook post[edit | edit source]

".......The new paper is specifically about rabbits in a veterinary clinic setting. It shows that heart and respiratory rates stay the same or increase in rabbits when they are examined on their fronts, but decrease when they are examined on their backs. Pupil size, another measure of stress, increases when examined on their fronts, but not their backs. Blood glucose remained at a very similar level throughout in both groups. Blood cortisol goes up with handling in both groups, but increases less in those on their backs than their fronts. Rabbits entering a vet clinic are, by definition, already very stressed, so the baseline here is somewhat skewed (this is not a criticism of the paper, just an observation), with heart rates and, in particular, respiratory rates, well above those commonly suggested as "normal". In summary, during TI in this study:

  • Heart and breathing rate drop
  • Pupil size decreases
  • Glucose does not significantly change
  • Cortisol increases (but less than during examination on their fronts)
  • There is no suggestion that there is any kind of “natural” pain relief induced by TI.
  • These are averages, and some rabbits show very different responses to others.

Conclusions we can draw from this:

  • The changes seen during TI are not those of a "fight or flight" response.
  • Some rabbits respond with decreases in signs, some with increases, suggesting different individual susceptibilities.
  • We cannot say if a rabbit "likes" being turned on its back.
  • The decrease in heart and respiratory rate suggest lowered physiological stress but this doesn’t necessarily equal less emotional stress.

And the main concern: there is a difference between lying on their back and “true” TI. Different ways to hold and restrain rabbits have different effects and may induce TI or may not. In her social media posts on this, Dr Harcourt-Brown mentions this too, drawing a distinction between TI and trancing. The author describes carefully putting rabbits into a position on their backs, which is how Dr Harcourt-Brown also puts it. The exact nature of the difference needs further exploration, with some suggestions previously that where rabbits have had TI used in the past are more susceptible to it in future, and whether there is an element of "learned helplessness" present in at least some cases. This study was limited to a veterinary clinic setting. As vets, we need to incorporate these results into a contextualised care approach, and consider:

  • Why we are doing it, for example to facilitate a life-saving diagnostic or therapeutic procedure like obtaining an x-ray.
  • If the position is appropriate. For example, it is a good position to take a urine sample from the bladder but not for syringe feeding because of aspiration risk.
  • How are we are lying them on their backs, and that it is in a stable and supported way.
  • Whether we are inducing a physiologically relaxed response or inducing a state where the rabbit is tense and poising to jump up and run for its life.
  • If it is appropriate for that rabbit. While the rabbits in this study appear to undergo a relaxation response, not all rabbits will do that. If the technique doesn’t work for an individual rabbit, there could be serious consequences if they jump and twist.
  • That there is no suggestion that this process has any analgesic benefit at all.

The only conclusions we can draw from this study are limited to a veterinary clinic setting and *our advice for rabbits in all other settings remains the same*. The RWAF aims to give the most up-to-date care advice for rabbits. As they are studied more, there is more evidence, and our advice may therefore change in response.


Richard Saunders (he/him) BSc (Hons) BVSc FRSB CBiol DZooMed (Mammalian) DipECZM(ZHM) MRCVS Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund Veterinary Advisor"

80% Hay[edit | edit source]

This misnomer comes from the House rabbit society conflating Rabbit and Cavy care. As well as a irresponsible disregard for the science of Rabbit nutrition in favor of a feel good approach to making care recommendation without any supporting science. Fact is as thoroughly out lined in our feeding section, that rabbits fed 80% and in particular the oft parroted Timothy only hay , will not be able to fully meet their daily nutritional needs.

          1. typical house rabbit infographic ### and debunking

First ingredient should be Alfalfa, DM protein should be a 16% MINIMUM . They require a DE 14%protien to maintain body condition. A DM of 16% give a DE of 14% . The graphic artist who made that needs to understand how to read the research before posting nonsense . Just like Fiber should MAX at 22% if the feed is at 17% protein . A good feed should have a fiber content no higher then 5% more the. The DM protein content . Fiber in excess if 25% will starve a rabbit to death. Fat should sit between 2.5% and 3.5% for optimal coat . Rabbit NEED higher calcium . Lo calcium is actually detrimental to bone development and rabbit health .. sludge is not caused by calcium it is caused by poor breeding , rabbit with pinched narrow and malformed hips get sludge because they can not evacuate their urethra .

One of the many reasons that Rabbits and Cavy are fed such different diets is because Rabbits have a different gut bacteria population to guinea pigs, so the mechanism of digestion is different in rabbits, despite similar anatomy Comparison of the microbial population in rabbits and guinea pigs by next generation sequencing Edward J. Crowley,Jonathan M. King,Toby Wilkinson,Hilary J. Worgan,Kathryn M. Huson,Michael T. Rose,Neil R. McEwan Published: February 9, 2017 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0165779

ARBA care guides are written by a panel of DVMs and pellets making up the majority of the diet is their recommendation. Not only that, but a study of the teeth/jaws and digestion of wild rabbits vs domestic rabbits concluded that hay is poor in nutrition, hard to chew which actually causes malocclusion, and causes periodontal disease from hay getting stuck between teeth. Wild rabbits are high nutrition selectors, they only resort to dried hay like grasses in times of starvation/deep winter, just to stay alive.

The digestion of fibre in the rabbit was subjected to several recent reviews (GIDENNE, 1996; GIDENNE et al., 1998d; DE BLAS et al., 1999), as the dietary fibre supply is implicated in the prevention of the digestive disorders (GIDENNE, 1997). However, the favourable effect of fibres with respect to resistance to pathogenic agents was clearly shown only recently (LICOIS and GIDENNE, 1999). In 2000, the same team has also clearly demonstrated the interaction between the initial health status of the animal (SPF vs conventional) and the reaction to low fibre feeds: the higher the initial health status, the lower the digestive disorders frequency (BENNEGADI et al., 2000) On the other hand, a high fibre supply leads to an energy dilution of the diet. The animal thus attempts to increase its feed intake to satisfy energetic needs, and the feed conversion is reduced. When the dietary fibre level is very high (>25% ADF), the animal cannot increase its intake sufficiently to meet its energetic needs, thus leading to a lower growth rate. ~ F. Lebas & T. Gidenne «Recent research advances in rabbit nutrition» page 4

"There is a vast difference in the nutritional value of hay, depending on the type of hay, the quality of forage prior to preparation and the type of and manner of the curing process of hay." Dr. T.E.Reed, Rabbit Specialist

Their are also many arguments against feeding loose hay at all. Rabbits do best on a balance complete pellet , fed in measured amounts. Hay can actually be detrimental to tooth health causing periodontal disease, tooth abcesses, and mechanical malocclusion due to the hard nature of cheap stemmy timothy commonly fed .

Hay is also void in nutrients, feeding an 80% loose hay diet to a rabbit is actually starving them slowly , rabbits fed this way tend to be in poor condition , constantly shedding with brittle hair and dull sickly coats. Too much fiber pushes what little protein they have too quickly.through the body and they are unable to develop proper muscle . It weakens the bones and puts them at higher risk for breaks , it weakens immunity and makes then more susceptible to disease . It also introduced disease and parasite vectors , and has brought RHdV and EC i to rabbit households

there is no difference in the care we give to pets or breeder or any other rabbits their needs are the same . They are all Domesticated european wild rabbits . Hay is not a good food source for rabbits. .

Rabbit "salads"[edit | edit source]

Excessive fresh greens, Fruits and Vegetables are detrimental to rabbit health . these items need to be limited to treats , as rabbits digestive systems can not fully and properly digest high sugar fresh materials and these in excess lead to bloat/ GI statis and DEATH.

Wire Causes Sore Hocks[edit | edit source]

Genetics cause sore hocks, when genetic is not in play, the other contributing factor is lack of sanitation and hair loos through Urine scald .

Free roaming is Safe[edit | edit source]

Free roams WHILE UNDER SUPERVISION is safe. but unsupervised 24/7 free roaming is not.

Rabbits need to be Bonded[edit | edit source]

Current research shows that rabbits actually prefer to be solidary and view but not interact with other rabbits the highly territorial nature of rabbits causes a hierarchy where one dominate male rabbit threatens and demands subordination from all other rabbits in the warren. if a subordinate rabbits doesn't do an act of subordination for the dominate male up to daily. The dominate male violently attacks, because of this rabbits kept in group are always living in fear of other rabbits.

Spay and Neuter Changes Behavior[edit | edit source]

The only benefit of spay/neuter in rabbits is population reduction. That is easily managed by keeping rabbits separate from each other.

Although Spaying or Neutering removes the risk of ovarian, uterine, and Testicular Cancers by removing the body part. It can Cause mammary cancers in Male rabbits by unbalancing the hormones. Male rabbits after a neuter can start producing too much estrogen which can lead to them developing Breast cancers. In female Rabbits it is starting to be researched on the effect of Endocrine and Adrenal diseases caused by removing the ovaries. Female rabbits often become over aggressive due to the increase in Testosterones after a spay. The prevalence of ALL cancer in rabbits isn't 80% its 14 to 12%.

need link

    • notes to be organized images in AR propaganda folder on PC .

a break down of the truth behind the house Rabbit societies ideology

animal rights and you One of the best articles explaining thoroughly how HRS is an ARA extremist group

HRS, HSUS and PeTA[edit | edit source]

actually research to follow the money and connections with HRS . HRS only serves vegan at their functions... that's available on their own website.. That speaks to their group affiliations

HSUS is also a wing of PETA. The top three people of HSUS all used to sit on the PETA board, and HSUS is the main pipeline for rabbits that HRS "Rescues" HSUS quite literally directs people to HRS..

And if anybody tries to say HRS and PETA aren't connected... then why does PETA use them as their rabbit referral organization... and why is every major HRS member, also a vegan PETA or ALF member?

The house rabbit handbook, the book published by the house rabbit society, Said in their first edition 1988, that rabbit Diet should consist of primarily Complete pellets. The first 4 editions of their book they put out had pellets as main and sole food source...it wasn't until the 90s and the ARA movements that they switched The feed is still pellets only by third edition They are still talking about greens as treats.

HRS is incredibly inconsistent even on their own website. By the Third edition... 1995.... HRS began conflating guinea pig and rabbit care while they were trying to promotes them as species capable of co-habitation .

" we do this by offering fresh hay a couple of times a day." even in 1996 it's completely contradictory paragraph by paragraph on their own site.

"A cage should be at least 4 times the size of your bunny-" so . if a new Zealand takes up.. approx. 1 sqft of spaces... a 4 sq foot area is acceptable that's their own website.

Paige K Parsons ... an photographer and graphic artist Was education director and web developer from 1997 to 2004 then stepped down.

Anne Martin, the big wig, pulls a salary off the charity of 48k per year.... she's the only one on the whole board who gets paid

In 2020 To avoid losing their charity status through political activity (animal rights activism) they filter through their "education" budget... and conveniently, during their audit, everybody got covid On charity navigator, they aren't even listed because they are under tax audit. Most of the HRS state branches have failing charity navigator rating.

If you go further down the 990, there's the itemization On the Georgia HRS chapter 990 filing...where it asks to describe where the money was spent...it just says "rescuing and rehoming rabbits " no itemization, no breakdowns... just zeros in every column and 1 paragraph stating what they do...so you basically have to take their word on it All of their pamphlets and activist junk is produced under "educational" materials.... and there's proof^^^ HRS got into merk veterinary manual... wonder who greased that pharma companies palms? And, it states quite plainly in the tax filings, they leave "educational materials" at vet offices

We have learned HRS hates rabbits and wants them to die

House rabbit society says Netherland dwarf breeders are pugging the skull of rabbits... but that isn't true... they are simply smaller and thus the shape... there's no facial push in like a pug

searched pub med, went through all 170 results , only found 1 opinion paper from 2003 stating rabbits should be fed grass hay or extruded pellets ..99.999% of pelleted rabbit feed sold commercially today is extruded

HRS and Oxbow[edit | edit source]

"Success! Pets in the Classroom discontinues grants to teachers to buy rabbits as classroom pets for 2020-2021, due to RHDV Aug 14, 2020 by HRS

"August, 14, 2020 Success! In response to education and encouragement from House Rabbit Society and Oxbow Animal Health, Pets in the Classroom has announced that for the 2020-2021 school year, they will discontinue grants to teachers to buy rabbits as classroom pets, due to the emergence of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus"

" HRS Position on Oxbow

Jan 8, 2017 by HRS

HRS recently became aware of a study that Oxbow funded two years ago that involved the euthanasia of the subject rabbits. HRS immediately contacted Oxbow to voice our objections, letting them know that we cannot work with companies that engage in such research, since that goes against our core values. Oxbow’s management then moved fairly quickly to have multiple internal discussions and meetings on this topic. We are pleased to announce that we have now received a statement from Oxbow reporting their commitment to refrain from involvement in any such research in the future. We are extremely pleased with Oxbow’s decision and are very satisfied with this resolution. The House Rabbit Society Board"

From the Oxbow website "Fresh greens are an important part of your pet’s daily diet. Greens contribute to hydration and provide important vitamins and minerals, as well as enrichment. For a complete list of appropriate greens, visit the House Rabbit Society."

From Oxbow Facebook page "Do you have an aggressive pet rabbit? The House Rabbit Society gives some fantastic advice on how to quell aggressiveness and build a better bond with your bunny."

from pet business. com "Oxbow Animal Health has named nine organizations as the recipients of its 2015 Rescue Grants. The winning organizations will receive funding totaling nearly $20,000 for a variety of projects and programs that benefit the welfare of small animals throughout North America. The 2015 Oxbow Rescue Grant recipients are: The Bunny Bunch, Montclair, Calif.; House Rabbit Network, Woburn, Mass.; Oregon Humane Society, Portland, Ore.; Western PA Humane Society, Pittsburgh, Penn.; Cumberland County SPCA, Vineland, N.J.; North Texas Rabbit Sanctuary, Garland, Texas; Red Door, Chicago, Ill.; Baltimore Humane Society, Baltimore, Md.; and Missouri House Rabbit Society, St. Louis, Mo."

  • several of these are HRS partners and Missouri House Rabbit Society is a direct wing of HRS headquarters... money gets filtered back to HQ through them.

search: "House Rabbit Society Oxbow" and the results show multiple links between the company and the HRS. the two are inextricably linked and feed money to each other, through partnership and they hide outright money in the form of "donations" to the state wings of the parent HRS.