Talk:House Rabbit Society and AR prpoganda

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HRS myths: 

1.) Flipping a rabbit over will kill them. This has been debunked. A 2020 study has shown that rabbits that are flipped over during nail trims and other procedures have much lower stress hormones, lower heart rate and are much less stressed than rabbits in upright position for these procedures.

2.) Hay should be 80% of the diet. Incorrect. Once you go over 23% fiber, it actually pushes nutrition out and leads to a very slow nutrient starvation. Hay, even the very best, only has 6% protein once on the store shelf. Rabbits need an absolute bare minimum of 12% protein to just barely meet metabolic demands *just to stay alive*. The 80% hay diet HRS suggests would be equivalent to a human consuming an entire container of Metamucil and one bite of a whole meal daily.

3.) Copious veggies. 1 leaf of romaine contains as many carbs as a medium strawberry. Carbs turn to sugars in the rabbit GI tract. A bowl full of greens is just feeding sugar daily, this in turn feeds bad bacterial blooms which lead to GI stasis.

4.) Wire floors are bad and cause sore hocks. Incorrect. Multiple studies from across the globe with sample sizes in the thousands have shown not only do rabbits do better on wire *less disease, cleaner, more ventilation to feet, safer*... they have also found it doesn't cause sore hocks *proper 14g GAW rabbit cage wire*, and rabbits...given an open area and free choice, they themselves choose the cages... it's a smaller territory, easier to defend, comfortable and their stress hormone levels go down.... this includes myriad anecdotes from breeders who actual heal sore hocks by putting rabbits in wire cages.

The list goes on.