H3n2 (B)

MMC Rabbits
Phone: 404 624 6606
Web: mmcRabbits.com
American Harlequin Rabbit Club

Current details as of 3/10/2025
Breed: 75% NZ
DOB: 3/21/2021
COI: 12.500%
Age: Deceased at 3 months 3 weeks 5 days
Group: (MEAT)
MMC Hyatt I8m2 (B)MMC Hc8 Waldorf Astoria (B)Embrys Carrot H72 (B)
Callname: Carrot
Registration: H72
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Red
DOB: 8/19/2016
COI: 00.000%
short name: 9lb 6oz
Color type: A- Bb C- D- ee +++
Age: 8 years 6 months 2 weeks
Callname: Waldorf
Registration: MMC HC8
Breed: New Zealand
Color: chestnut
DOB: 11/21/2018
Breeder: mary-margaret conley
Owner: mary-margaret conley
COI: 00.000%
father_id: W
short name: 12 lb ( 4/13/2021 )
Color type: Aa Bb Cc D- Ee ++
Age: 6 years 3 months 2 weeks
Weight: 12 lb ( 4/13/2021 )
MMC Rabbits Rm17- Tina (D)
Callname: Sugar
Registration: RM17
Breed: New Zealand
Color: REW
DOB: 10/10/2017
COI: 00.000%
Color type: __ __ __ cc __ __
Age: 7 years 5 months
Callname: Hyatt
Registration: mmc I8M2
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Red
DOB: 8/10/2020
Breeder: mary-margaret conley
COI: 00.000%
father_id: H
short name: 10 lb ( 4/13/2021 )
Color type: A- B- C- D- ee +++
Age: 4 years 7 months
Weight: 10 lb ( 4/13/2021 )
S Isabella (D)Unknown New Zealand Red (B)
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Red
COI: 00.000%
Age: Unknown
Callname: Izzy
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Chestnut
DOB: 12/20/2019 (approximate)
Breeder: Silvia Trimble
COI: 00.000%
father_id: S
short name: 8 lb ( 11/12/2020 )
Color type: A- B- CC D- Ee
Age: 5 years 2 months 2 weeks (approximate)
Weight: 8 lb ( 11/12/2020 )
Sissy (D)
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Gold Tipped Steel
COI: 00.000%
Age: Unknown
MMC Ritz Iw-720- Lm (D)MMC Hc8 Waldorf Astoria (B)Embrys Carrot H72 (B)
Callname: Carrot
Registration: H72
Breed: New Zealand
Color: Red
DOB: 8/19/2016
COI: 00.000%
short name: 9lb 6oz
Color type: A- Bb C- D- ee +++
Age: 8 years 6 months 2 weeks
Callname: Waldorf
Registration: MMC HC8
Breed: New Zealand
Color: chestnut
DOB: 11/21/2018
Breeder: mary-margaret conley
Owner: mary-margaret conley
COI: 00.000%
father_id: W
short name: 12 lb ( 4/13/2021 )
Color type: Aa Bb Cc D- Ee ++
Age: 6 years 3 months 2 weeks
Weight: 12 lb ( 4/13/2021 )
MMC Rabbits Rm17- Tina (D)
Callname: Sugar
Registration: RM17
Breed: New Zealand
Color: REW
DOB: 10/10/2017
COI: 00.000%
Color type: __ __ __ cc __ __
Age: 7 years 5 months
Callname: Ritz
Breed: 50% NZ
DOB: 7/22/2020
Breeder: mary-margaret conley
COI: 00.000%
father_id: R
Color type: A- B- C- D- eje ++
Age: Deceased at 8 months 3 weeks 6 days
I Indy (D)
Callname: Indy
Registration: Indy
Breed: TAMUK Composite
DOB: 6/6/2015 (approximate)
Breeder: mary-margaret conley
Owner: mary-margaret conley
COI: 00.000%
father_id: I
short name: 10 lb 8 oz ( 11/12/2020 )
Color type: A_ Bb Ccchd Dd eje +?
Age: Deceased at 6 years 10 months 2 weeks
Weight: 10 lb 8 oz ( 11/12/2020 )


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